A fork creates an alternative version of a blockchain. The two chains run simultaneously on different parts of the network. They can be either accidental or intentional.

Ethereum 2.0 Sees High Deposit Rate as London Hard fork Looms
Ethereum 2.0 deposit contract has seen more accounts deposit 32 ETH in the past days as investors prepare for the impact of the EIP 1559 upgrade launch
New London Upgrade Could Help Ethereum Hit $3,000, Crypto Expert Says
Ethereum is likely to increase its value based on the speculation and hype surrounding the London upgrade event.
Ethereum Tumbles as Low As $2,115 Partly Triggered by Delayed London Hard Fork Release
Ethereum is likely to extend its drop as indicated by a rising wedge chart.
Anticipation for Cardano’s Mary Upgrade Grows as It Is Hours from Launching – Here’s What You Need to Know
Cardano’s blockchain upgrade, dubbed Mary, is set to go live today at 21:44 UTC.
Cardano and COTI Partnership Is Bearing Fruit
Top-five cryptocurrency Cardano (ADA) has experienced some freakish momentum of late, crossing the dollar threshold to approach an all-time high set three years ago. Amazingly, ADA gained 650% in less than two months prior to the latest correction, making it one of the best-performing altcoins in the market.
Cardano’s Allegra Hard Fork Scheduled for Next Week, Node Release 1.24.2 Successfully Deployed
The next Cardano protocol update, which includes the hard fork combinator (HFC) event Allegra, will take place on Dec. 16.
Unannounced Ethereum Hard Fork: Binance ETH Withdrawals Temporarily Halted
Ethereum’s network has suffered a hard fork, as there were irregularities on infrastructure providers Infura and Blockchair.
Ethereum, Cardano and Other Altcoins Slandered by Blockstream CEO as Ponzi Schemes
Blockstream CEO Adam Back publicly stated that Ethereum and other altcoins were Ponzi schemes, angering Ethereum co-founders Vitalik Buterin and Charles Hoskinson.
Cardano’s Project Catalyst: Building a Decentralized Financial System to Remove "Top-Down" Governance
In order to fulfill the final components for Cardano’s Voltaire, including its evolution into a self-sustainable blockchain, IOHK introduced a new experimental treasury system combining proposal and voting procedures — Project Catalyst.
Cardano’s Stake Pools Reached 700 Just Five Days after Successful Shelley Hard Fork
Cardano’s Shelley hard fork was successfully launched on July 29, and within 8 hours, 267 stake pools have already registered. The Shelley hard fork took Cardano’s network into its second phase of development, succeeding the Byron era. The Shelley update enables Cardano to become more decentralized and autonomous.

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