What is Bitcoin price?
Bitcoin price analysis, insight and prediction.

Bitcoin Flips Visa Again
Bitcoin (BTC) market valuation surpassed Visa's after a near 50% price increase in 2023. BTC has "flipped" the payment giant three times.
Bitcoin's Average Block Size Hits All-Time Highs
The average Bitcoin block size has reached record highs after Bitcoin NFT Ordinals protocol launched.
WisdomTree cryptocurrency funds lose value in fourth quarter
Despite rising revenues and fund inflows, the $82 billion fund manager posted a fourth-quarter net loss.
Tesla refuses to sell any more Bitcoin
Tesla kept its Bitcoin for the second half of 2022 after selling 75% in the second quarter. As Bitcoin's price fell, the firm's financials reveal it didn't buy or sell Bitcoin in Q2 or Q3.
On-chain data is signaling a "generational buying opportunity"
Technical analyst "Game of Trades" discovered six on-chain measurements for his 71,000 Twitter followers. Bitcoin's Realized Price (RP) is an estimate of what the market paid for all coins at their previous price.
Bitcoin's Winning Streak Finally Comes to an End
Bitcoin lost its two-week streak. Jan. 18 saw BTC's first red candle. The U.S. Department of Justice statement earlier in the week seems to have caused the price drop.
Why Bitcoin's Price Rebound Could Signify a Market Bottom
Since July, Bitcoin market mood is strong. Analysts think Bitcoin's recent price rise may indicate a greater breakthrough. Investor sentiment spiked three times since 2021, most recently in January.
Allegations of fraud against Compass Mining after company cuts ties with Russian
Compass Mining customers are suing for $2 million for fraud. The firm terminated connections with Russian hosting provider Bit River and didn't restore clients' Bitcoin machines. It cut connections with Bit River over non-applicable US sanctions.
U.S. sanctions: Customers suing Compass Mining
Compass Mining customers are suing for $2 million for fraud. The firm terminated connections with Russian hosting provider Bit River and didn't restore clients' Bitcoin machines. It cut connections with Bit River over non-applicable US sanctions.
Bitcoin Price Falls Below $20,000 Following US Jobs Report
Bitcoin dropped 2% following the release of the job figures reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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