The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is completed and allows anyone, anywhere to execute arbitrary EVM Byte Code. All Ethereum nodes run on the EVM. The project is designed to prevent denial-of-service attacks. It is home to smart contracts based on the Ethereum blockchain.

Vitalik Buterin Explores Ethereum Protocol Enhancement Strategies
Ethereum's co-founder, Vitalik Buterin, reflects on Ethereum's protocol enhancement strategies in a recent blog post, weighing the merits of a minimalistic approach versus enshrining more features into the core protocol to address various user needs and system efficiencies. The discussion encompasses account abstraction challenges, the shift towards enshrinement, and the exploration of specific enshrinement targets like ZK-EVMs, proposer-builder separation, private mempools, liquid staking, and precompiles.
Bankless: Solana's Resilience and Prospects Amid Market Challenges
Solana has navigated through a challenging bear market and technical issues to emerge stronger in 2023. With improved network performance, diversification into new sectors like NFTs and AI, and upcoming developments like Neon EVM and Solang, Solana's future appears promising despite past setbacks.
Fantom's Evolution: From Technical Innovations to Ecosystem Expansion
Fantom continues to innovate despite facing challenges in its DeFi ecosystem. With planned technical upgrades and a focus on growing its developer community, the network aims for a robust and diversified blockchain ecosystem.
Alchemy Pay to Deploy on Polygon zkEVM Chain
Alchemy Pay is partnering with Polygon to integrate its payment services on Polygon's zkEVM chain, allowing users to convert local fiat currencies into cryptocurrencies. This zero knowledge scaling solution combines Ethereum Virtual Machine and Ethereum L1 security, reducing transaction costs and increasing throughput.
MATIC: Polygon zkEVM Prepares for Dragon Fruit Upgrade
Polygon ($MATIC) has announced its Dragon Fruit upgrade on September 10, ForkID5, which introduces the latest Ethereum opcode, PUSH0, and a non-critical RLP parsing bug fix. The upgrade will be implemented on Polygon's zkEVM Mainnet Beta, with a 10-day timelock for users and developers.
Offchain Labs's Arbitrum Stylus Goes Live
Offchain Labs has released the public testnet and code for Arbitrum Stylus, an open-source framework for smart contracts on Arbitrum Nitro chains. The SDK offers 10x improvement in computational speed and 100x improvement in memory efficiency, reducing gas costs and improving smart contract security.
API3 Unveils Enhanced Data Feed Service to Bolster TVL on Polygon zkEVM
API3, a blockchain oracle provider, has introduced a managed data feed service to support the growth of Total Value Locked (TVL) on Polygon zkEVM. This innovative push oracle, built around the Airnode first-party oracle node, eliminates intermediaries and provides direct access to real-world data, aiming to enhance the DeFi ecosystem and decentralized finance future.
Chainflip Announces Community Sale on CoinList, Scheduled for August 31, 2023
Chainflip, a decentralized and trustless protocol that enables seamless value transfer between various blockchains, has announced its Community Sale on CoinList. The sale is set to begin on August 31, 2023, at 17:00 UTC.
Fireblocks Integrates Astar Network, Boosting Secure DeFi Access for Institutions
Fireblocks has now incorporated Astar Network. With the new integration, over 650 banks and financial institutions can now tap into Astar's thriving DeFi ecosystem, as well as trade, swap, and lend digital assets on Astar via Fireblocks.
Alerting! CoinList's Twitter Account Hacked
Crypto platform CoinList's Twitter account was hacked on July 22, 2023. Neon EVM alerted users to avoid clicking any links.

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