What is a CBDC?
A central bank digital currency (CBDC) is a new digital form of sovereign money. CBDCs are issued by the government, where monetary policies are still formed by the central bank.
A central bank digital currency (CBDC) is a new digital form of sovereign money. CBDCs are issued by the government, where monetary policies are still formed by the central bank.
ECB Plans to Lead CBDC Exploration to Unleash Global Power of the Euro
Fabio Panetta, a member of the Executive Board of the ECB, stated in his address to the European Parliament that the ECB intends to remain at the forefront of discussions concerning the nature of money in a digital world, including the exploration of the desirability and feasibility of establishing a central bank digital currency (CBDC).
Regulated Blockchain Will Power Central Bank Digital Currencies
So far, the story of blockchain has been one of new financial services built on decentralised
technology. As the continuing prominence of Bitcoin demonstrates, these decentralised finance,
or DeFi, applications have built up a following amongst a band of loyal supporters.
Visa Crypto Executive: CBDC is the Most Important Trend for Future of Money
Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) could be the most important payment trend in development with the most profound effects on our systems of payment and money issuance according to Cuy Sheffield, Visa’s head of cryptocurrency.
Bank of Japan Testing Digital Yen CBDC
The Bank of Japan (BoJ) has just announced that it will begin experimenting with a Digital Yen, its own Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) to test its technical application and feasibility.
Digital Dollars—A Two Tier CBDC Design to Maintain US Currency Dominance
The Digital Dollar Project (DDP) is the focus of the Digital Dollar Foundation and advocates the need for a CBDC. In their recently released whitepaper, the DDP stipulates that it aims for the US dollar to maintain its global dominance but further warns that the work needs to begin immediately. The DPP also calls for public-private collaboration, including the use of a two-tier system for the spread and distribution of retail digital dollars.
Canada’s Central Bank Digital Currency Won't Include Zero-Knowledge-Proofs
Bank of Canada researchers do not feel that the current state of zero-knowledge-proofs is mature enough to be integrated into their development plans for a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).
Former US Head of Treasury Lawrence Summers Backs Cryptocurrency
In an interview with CEO of the digital currency company Circle —Jeremy Allaire, Former US head of Treasury Lawrence Summers advocates for cryptocurrency’s benefits.
Bank of International Settlement Revealed Positive Outlook on Central Bank Digital Currencies
The Bank for International Settlements (BIS), a coalition of 62 central banks, has weighed in on the trending topic of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). The global central bank noted a positive interest by central banks to develop their state-backed digital currencies.
Governments Will Eliminate Bitcoin, Says Investor Jim Rogers
Will decentralized cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin—that are beyond the influence of Sovereign Governments—be allowed to survive? Not according to American investor and financial commentator Jim Rogers.
Chinese CBDC's Backend Developments are Complete, Revealed During 2020 FinTech Forum
The world’s attention is on China who has recorded a great advancement in the development of its central bank digital currency (CBDC). The Chinese CBDC project, also known as digital currency electronic payment (DCEP) entered its testing phase back in April with a test run billed for four major cities.